Podcast – What Causes Shrinkage in PP Injection Molded Products?

Close-up of a polypropylene injection molded product with visible shrinkage issues.
What Causes Shrinkage in PP Injection Molded Products?
Nov 06 - MoldAll - Explore expert tutorials, case studies, and guides on mold design and injection molding. Learn hands-on skills to enhance your craft at MoldAll.

All right, get ready, because today we're going deep into the world of PP injection molding.
Sounds good.
We're going to be focusing on shrinkage issues.
Yeah, those pesky shrinkage issues, specifically how.
To get them under control.
That's right. And to do that, we're going to be looking at some excerpts from a technical document.
Oh, cool.
Yeah, it really breaks down all the causes of shrinkage in injection molded products.
I'm sure it gets pretty technical, though.
It does get pretty detailed. But we're going to make sure that by the end of this deep dive.
You're walking away with all the knowledge you need to actually avoid those shrinkage headaches.
That's the goal. Right. To actually understand what's causing the shrinkage.
And how we can use that knowledge to get the results we want.
Because what good is knowing there's a problem.
If you don't know how to fix it?
So, to jump right in, let's talk about crystallinity.
This might sound a bit technical, but it's a key piece of the puzzle. It really is when it comes to shrinkage.
So crystallinity basically refers to how organized the molecules are within your PP material. So imagine like a neatly organized drawer versus one where you just toss everything in haphazardly.
The organized drawer takes up less space. Right. It's the same idea with pp.
So the more organized the molecules are, the more they shrink as the material cools.
Yeah, that's the gist of it.
Higher crystallinity means tighter packing of those molecules leading to more shrinkage.
And this is important because different grades of PP have different crystallinity levels.
So it's like picking the right tool for the job.
It can affect the shrinkage from the start.
So, for example, high density PP is known for its high crystallinity.
Which means it's going to shrink more than a lower density pp.
Oh, that's interesting.
It's all about understanding the properties of the different materials and how they'll behave.
And even beyond that, the document points out that even the cooling rate during molding can affect crystallinity.
That's right.
So that's another layer to this whole thing.
Faster cooling means less time for those molecules to arrange themselves.
Oh, so they don't have as much time to get organized.
Right. So you get lower crystallinity and less shrinkage.
So many factors at play here.
It really highlights how much control you can have over the final product.
When you understand the science behind how these molecules are Behaving.
Okay, so we've talked about crystallinity. Let's move on to another important factor.
And I know this seems basic, but it plays a huge role.
It really does.
In shrinkage.
And it's not just about overall temperature.
It's about the specific temperatures of the barrel and the mold.
So where the PP actually melts and then the mold itself.
Exactly. It's all about finding the right balance.
Like trying to get the perfect pizza crust. Too hot and it burns too cool, and it's all doughy.
Precisely. So a high barrel temperature ensures good flow of the melted pp.
But it also means slower cooling, which.
Leads to more shrinkage.
So you want to keep that barrel temperature just right.
Yes. But then there's the mold temperature. A cooler mold leads to faster cooling and potentially less shrinkage.
But you can't just crank it way down without thinking about the whole process.
So it's finding that right combination.
Yeah. For your specific material.
Material and product.
So many variables.
Finding that sweet spot is where the art and science of injection molding come together.
Okay, let's move on and talk about the mold itself.
This document really gets into the details of how even small things about the mold design.
Can really affect shrinkage.
It all starts with understanding that the mold is basically like a highway system.
For the melted pp.
So we want to avoid any, like, traffic jams.
Exactly. Any clogs, detours, poorly planned exits.
Gotcha. So smooth sailing for the pp.
Right. The first thing to consider is the gate.
Which is where the melted PP enters the mold.
The entry point.
Yes. The size and position are crucial.
Making sure there's even flow.
Yes. And pressure distribution.
Gotcha. So it's like making sure all lanes of traffic are flowing nicely.
Precisely. Then you have to think about the cooling system.
Because if the mold cools unevenly, you.
Get uneven shrinkage, which can lead to warping.
Yeah. And distortion.
Just like a cake baking unevenly.
Exactly. You want consistent cooling across the entire part.
Okay. And what else is there to think about?
Well, there's the cavity design, which is.
The shape of the space inside the mold.
Right. You want to create smooth paths for the melted pp.
Any sharp corners or abrupt changes in direction can cause stress points, which could.
Lead to more shrinkage.
So we want to avoid any sudden stops or sharp turns in our PP highway.
Precisely. It's all about minimizing stress on the material as it cools.
Okay. So we've covered crystallinity, temperature, and mold design we have, you might be thinking, okay, I've got my material, my temperatures, my mold dialed in. I'm good to go.
But even with all that under control, the design of the product itself can still cause shrinkage issues.
It's like trying to build a house on an unstable foundation.
No matter how good the walls and the roof are, if that foundation is flawed, you're going to have problems.
So even if you have the perfect mold, if the product design isn't right, you can still have shrinkage.
Absolutely. And one of the biggest things is inconsistent wall thickness.
If you have thick and thin sections, those thicker areas will cool slower.
Oh, right. Than the thinner areas, leading to uneven shrinkage.
Exactly. And warping.
So it's like baking a cake where half the batter is thicker than the other half.
Exactly. You want to try to maintain a uniform wall thickness.
So the product has to be designed with this in mind.
It's not only about aesthetics and function, but also manufacturability.
Right. And then what about those ribs embosses?
Ah, yes. Those reinforcing elements you see on plastic.
Parts, they add strength.
Yeah, they add strength and rigidity, but.
They can also cause shrinkage.
Yes. If they're too big or in the wrong place, they can become shrinkage hotspots.
Because they cool unevenly.
Exactly. So think about their size and shape.
That location.
Yes. In relation to the overall part.
Okay. So it's a balancing act again.
It is. You're balancing strength with manufacturability.
And finally, the overall geometry of the product can affect shrinkage. Of course, if it's a complex shape, it can be harder to get that even.
Flow and cooling, it's like navigating a maze.
Yes. Instead of a straight road.
Right. The more complex the path, the more potential for problems.
So simplicity is key.
Absolutely. Think about how that melted PP is.
Going to flow and design the product accordingly.
Well, we've covered a lot here, but there's one more critical factor.
What's that?
And that's where we'll pick up in part two of this deep Dive.
Welcome back. We covered a lot, talking about how crystallinity and temperature and mold design and even the product design itself can all affect shrinkage.
It really is amazing how many factors we have to keep in mind.
So now we're adding another layer to this whole mix.
Pressure. It seems like it would be important.
It's absolutely crucial.
But how does it specifically relate to shrinkage?
So think of pressure as the driving force that gets that melted PP to fill every nook and cranny of the.
Mold so it ensures that your product actually takes shape.
Okay, I get that, but how does it actually affect shrinkage?
Well, in general, higher pressure actually leads to lower shrinkage.
Yeah. Think about squeezing a sponge.
The more you squeeze it, the less space it takes up.
Similar concept here.
So we're compacting those PP molecules.
Yeah. We're giving them less room to shrink later on as the part cools.
Like, we're giving them a little pre shrink squeeze.
That's a great way to put it.
But there's one thing we need to talk about, which is packing pressure.
Packing pressure.
It's a key player here.
Okay. What is packing pressure?
So it's that extra bit of pressure that's applied after the mold is full to really pack in those peaky molecules.
Oh, so we're not just filling it, we're giving it an extra squeeze.
Exactly. To make sure they're as compact as possible.
So how much packing pressure do you need?
Well, that's the tricky part.
Too little, and you'll have more shrinkage as it cools. Great. As the material cools and relaxes.
But too much.
Yeah, Too much, and you can over.
Pack the mold, which causes other problems.
Exactly. Things like flash.
Oh, yeah.
Or sink marks on your part.
So finding that sweet spot is pretty critical.
It is. It's all about finding that perfect pressure level.
Which depends. On what?
Well, depends on the material you're using, your mold design, and the properties you want in the final product.
Man, it's like a puzzle with, like, a million pieces.
That's what makes this so interesting.
So how does pressure actually work in the process?
Okay, so think of it in three phases. Okay. You have injection packing and cooling.
All right, walk me through it.
So first you have the injection phase.
Where the melted PP is injected into the mold under high pressure.
So this is where it gets its initial shape.
That's right.
It's like laying the foundation. And then you have the packing phase.
Where that extra pressure comes in.
Exactly. Where that packing pressure comes into play.
To get those molecules nice and compact.
Yes. To minimize that shrinkage.
And again, not too much, not too little.
It's all about that Goldilocks zone.
Okay. And then the last phase, then you have cooling. Okay.
And as it cools, it naturally wants to solidify and shrink.
But because we've applied.
Applied that packing pressure, that shrinkage is minimized.
So we can fine tune each of these phases.
Yeah. To get the results that we're after.
It's like conducting an orchestra.
It is.
You got to get all the parts working together.
You got it. It's that interplay between pressure, temperature, and how the PP behaves.
Okay. So that brings us to another factor. Hold time.
Which is how long we keep the mold closed after we've injected the pp.
So even though it's cooling.
It still needs time to settle in.
It's a great way to think about it, because even after the packing phase, that material is still hot and under pressure inside the mold. So hold time gives it enough time to really solidify before we open it up. Right. Before we eject the part from the mold.
What happens if you don't hold it long enough?
Well, it could shrink more once it's ejected.
Because it hasn't had enough time to stabilize.
And if you hold it too long.
Well, then you're just increasing cycle time, which isn't efficient. Right. It affects your production.
Another balancing act.
It really is all about finding that balance point.
Understanding all these fundamentals.
Allows us to make good decisions.
Exactly. And troubleshoot problems.
So we've talked about crystallinity, temperature, mold and product design pressure, and now hold time. Anything else we need to consider?
There's one more fascinating factor that can affect shrinkage.
Oh, really?
Yeah. It's the orientation of the molecules within the part.
Molecular orientation. What's that all about? Oh, yeah. Molecular orientation.
So it's all about how those PP molecules are arranged within the part. Imagine them like tiny little strands of spaghetti. When they're all jumbled up, they'll shrink in all directions as they cool.
But during injection molding, the flow of the melted PP can cause those molecules to align themselves.
Oh, so they're not jumbled up anymore.
Right. It's like combing those spaghetti strands.
So they're all going in the same direction.
So they'll shrink more in that direction.
Yeah. And this can have a big impact on the dimensions of your part.
I can see how that would be a problem.
Let's say you have a long, thin part.
With the molecules all aligned along the length, you might see more shrinkage along.
That length compared to the width.
So it's another factor that can lead to uneven shrinkage.
So how do we manage this?
Well, one key is to really think about gate location and design.
By carefully positioning the gate.
You can influence how the material flows in.
Like directing traffic.
Exactly. Like strategically placing on ramps and exits.
On our PP highway.
Right. You Want to encourage that nice uniform molecular alignment.
Okay. And what else can we do?
You can also incorporate things like mold inserts or flow directors.
What are those?
They're elements within the mold that help guide the material.
So they promote specific orientation patterns.
Yes, exactly. Like those dividers you find in a.
Spaghetti box to keep the strands from getting tangled.
And what about injection speed?
Ah, yes, that also plays a role.
How so?
Slower speeds generally result in less molecular.
Orientation, which can help with shrinkage.
So we've learned about crystallinity, temperature, mold design, product design, pressure, hold time, and now molecular orientation.
We have covered a lot.
It's a lot to keep in mind, but it seems like understanding these things.
Can really help us get those perfect parts.
It moves you beyond trial and error.
And lets you take a more scientific approach.
So what would you say is the key takeaway for our listeners today?
The biggest thing is that shrinkage isn't something you just have to live with. By understanding the science and all these different factors, you can really control the dimensions and quality of your products.
It's about mastering the process.
Well, this has been an awesome deep dive.
It has.
It's amazing to think about all the science that goes into making these everyday objects.
And that's the beauty of it, Right. Taking these complex ideas and using them to make things that improve our lives.
I love it. Well, thanks for joining us for this deep dive into pp, injection molding and shrinkage.
My pleasure.
We'll see you next

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