Podcast – What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Cracks in Injection Molded Products?

A modern injection molding workshop with workers monitoring the production line.
What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Cracks in Injection Molded Products?
Dec 24 - MoldAll - Explore expert tutorials, case studies, and guides on mold design and injection molding. Learn hands-on skills to enhance your craft at MoldAll.

All right. So you know how frustrating it is when you've got a product that just keeps cracking and you're like, what is going on here?
We're doing a deep dive today into how to prevent cracks in injection molded products.
Really important.
Yeah. We've got a bunch of great source material.
Some technical articles and images to really help us visualize what's going on. And I think this is going to go way beyond the basics. You know, we all know kind of the general principles.
But I think today we're going to get into some really granular stuff.
I love it.
That can really make a difference.
Absolutely. And I think you're right.
These small details often have the biggest impact when it comes to cracks. We're not just talking about aesthetics, we're talking about function.
Right. Could be a safety hazard.
Absolutely. Yeah.
Yeah. So where do we even begin with all of this? The source material seems to say that product design is like the first line of defense.
What surprised you most about the design stage?
You know, I was really fascinated by how much emphasis they put on wall thickness consistency.
Oh, interesting.
It's easy to think thicker and stronger.
Right. Just make it beefy. Yeah.
But it can actually.
It can backfire.
It can backfire. Yeah. Inconsistent wall thickness creates those stress points and that's where those cracks start.
And that totally makes sense. Like, you think about like a chain, right. Like one week link and the whole thing fell apart. Yeah. And we actually have a close up image of a product.
That really shows this. You can see how maintaining that consistent wall thickness leads to these really smooth edges and gradual transitions, which is cute. It's key.
And the source even gives us a rule of thumb.
Oh, cool.
A ratio below 1.5 to 1.
Can really minimize cracking.
That's a good one to remember.
Yeah. 1.5 to 1 for wall thickness ratio.
Okay. I'm writing that down.
I think a lot of listeners could apply that right away.
For sure.
Yeah. To their own projects.
What other.
What other design elements did you find interesting?
Well, I thought it was really interesting how they emphasized considering the demolding process.
Oh, right.
During design.
So how that part's actually going to.
Come out, how it's going to come out of the mold. You can have this beautiful design that's impossible to make.
Oh, that's so frustrating.
Without cracking it.
Yeah. So it's not enough for it to be strong. You've also got to think about how you're going to actually make the darn thing.
You got It.
Yeah. I bet there are a lot of designers who learned that the hard way many times. Yeah.
Classic example of needing good communication between design and manufacturing.
And I think I remember seeing a diagram in one of the articles that showed.
Oh, yeah.
You know how sometimes you might have a sharp corner and that can create a stress point during demolding.
Yeah. During that ejection.
And then it cracks.
It's going to crack right there.
Yeah. But if you just round that corner a little bit, maybe it doesn't look quite as cool, but it's going to function. It'll actually hold to together.
Right, exactly. Finding that balance between form and function.
And I think that's where understanding the science can really empower those designers.
Yeah. You don't have to just guess.
Yeah. You can actually know what's going to happen.
Okay. So speaking of science.
Let's talk about temperature. I mean, we all know temperature is important in injection molding. Sure. But I feel like the source material really dug into some specifics that I hadn't thought about before.
Yeah. What really struck me was they didn't just say, keep the temperature within a certain range.
It was more nuanced than that.
They talked about how different sections of the machine need to be at different temperatures to really make sure that that plastic melts and flows properly.
And then even more interesting, how the mold temperature itself can impact the cooling process and ultimately cracks.
See, that's interesting to me because I think a lot of people would assume that mold temperature is just about cooling the part down.
Yeah. Just get it. Cool. Get out.
Yeah. As fast as possible.
But it sounds like it's.
It's much more than that.
More than that.
Yeah. It can really shape that final product. They use polypropylene and nylon as examples.
Polypropylene needs very specific temperatures for different sections of the machine.
And then nylon, on the other hand, needs a cooler mold temperature.
Around 80 to 100 degrees Celsius.
Wow. Okay.
For it to crystallize properly so it's not just. And achieve its full strength.
Oh, wow. So it's not just about. Like you said.
Keeping it from burning.
It's about the molecular structure.
That's fascinating.
Yeah. You're influencing that molecular structure.
So it's like each type of plastic has its own personality when it comes to heat.
I love that analogy. Yeah, it does.
And just like, you've got to understand someone's personality to communicate with them. You gotta know your material, you gotta know your plastic.
Yeah. Yeah.
It's not just about hitting a number on a gauge. It's about what is happening at a molecular level.
This is a microscopic details.
Yeah. And that's what makes this deep dive so valuable.
We're uncovering these little hidden gems.
That can make a huge difference.
A huge difference.
And we're just getting started.
I'm excited.
Me too.
What's next?
What is next?
Well, let's talk about mold maintenance.
Oh, mold maintenance.
I know you're groaning. I mean, but trust me.
This is where things get really interesting.
Okay. I'm intrigued. I'm ready.
All right, so mold maintenance.
I know it doesn't sound super exciting.
It does not.
But it is really the foundation for everything we've talked about.
You can have the perfect product design.
Perfect temperature control, but if your mold is a mess.
You're still going to have problems.
Like, all going to fall apart.
Yeah. You're going to have cracks.
You're going to have other defects.
Yeah. Okay. I'm intrigued.
Well, I'll admit, when I first started learning about injection molding, I was like, oh, mold maintenance, that's just like.
Yeah. Keep it clean.
Keeping things clean.
Yeah. Wipe it down. But it's so much more than that.
Okay. What's the bigger picture?
Think of your mold like a precision instrument.
And with repeated use, things wear down.
Things get clogged.
Makes sense.
Things can become misaligned.
And all those little issues can really throw off your whole process.
Yeah. Like if you don't change the oil in your car.
Eventually, something's going to break.
Yeah. It's going to cost you, and it's.
Going to be expensive.
Yeah. And an injection molding.
That's something breaking.
It's going to be a whole batch of cracked products. No production delays.
Damage to your reputation.
Yeah. Nobody wants that.
So what is a good mold maintenance routine?
Okay, so the source material.
Breaks it down into three key areas.
Surface inspection. Cooling channel checks.
And ejection system review.
All right, let's start with surface inspection.
So what are we looking for there?
You're looking for any signs of wear and tear, scratches, dense buildup of residue.
Even microscopic imperfections.
Wow. So we're getting out the magnifying glass.
Yes. You need to be very thorough.
Because those tiny imperfections can turn into big defects on your parts.
That makes sense.
And the frequency of inspection really depends on how often you're using the mold.
If it's high Volume production.
You might need to do this daily.
Okay. So we've inspected the surface.
Now let's talk about those cooling channels.
Those are important, Right.
So important.
Remember how we were talking about mold temperature being so crucial?
Yeah. For the cooling.
For that cooling process. Those cooling channels are like the circulatory system of the mold.
They make sure that heat is removed consistently and efficiently.
Okay. So it's like veins and arteries.
For our mold.
So if those get clogged.
Yeah. If they get blocked.
The mold can't regulate temperature.
Right. And then we have problems.
Got it.
Uneven cooling, warping, and cracks. Yes.
The trist.
The source actually recommends checking these channels.
Before every single production run.
Just to make sure they're clear.
That's a quick check. That can save you a lot of headaches.
Okay, so surface inspection, cooling channels. What about the ejection system?
Okay, so the ejection system, this is what releases the part from the mold. So it needs to be working perfectly to prevent damage.
They recommend a monthly review to inspect the ejector pins, the sleeves, and other components for wear and tear.
Yeah. Because if those ejector pins are messed up.
Yeah. If they're sticking misaligned, you could end up with a part that's half ejected.
Half stuck, and then it cracks when you try to remove it. So it's another example of a small issue creating big problems.
Yeah. So mold maintenance is not just an afterthought.
No. It's got to be part of your process.
You've got to build it in from day one.
All right, so we've talked about product design.
Temperature control. Now we've added mold maintenance.
To the list of things to think.
About to our checklist.
But I'm sure there are still some common mistakes.
Oh, yeah.
That can trip people up.
Does our source material talk about that?
They do. They have a whole section on common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
All right, I am ready to hear about these common mistakes.
Okay. All right, so we've covered design temperature, mold maintenance.
Mold maintenance. Yeah.
But even with all that, there are still some sneaky mistakes.
Okay. I knew it.
That can lead to cracks.
Yeah. What else?
Well, one that really stood out to me.
Was wall thickness consistency. Again, I know we talked about it, but apparently it's still a major culprit.
Yeah. I guess it's easy to forget about. It is when you're thinking about all these other things. A designer might be focused on making something look really cool.
Sleek and thin.
Yeah. They're thinking about esthetics.
Not necessarily the physics.
And those thin walls can cause a lot of stress during cooling.
And crack.
And crack. Exactly.
Yeah. So it's not just the overall thickness.
It's those little variations.
It's those variations. Yeah. You could have a part that's mostly the right thickness.
But then has one little area that's thinner.
And that's where it's going to crack.
It's like a pressure point in your body.
You put pressure on the wrong spot, and even a little bit of force.
Can cause a lot of pain.
And our source material gives us some tips.
Yes, they do.
On how to avoid these thickness variations.
Things like using ribs or gussets. Add strength without making the walls too thick.
And then also paying attention to how the plastic flows.
Into the mold.
Making sure it fills evenly.
Yeah. So it's all about working smarter, not harder.
I love that.
Designing for manufacturability.
From the beginning.
From the start.
Okay. So we talked about wall thickness. What else?
Corner design.
Oh, yeah.
This is another big one.
Okay, tell me about corners.
So sharp corners, they look really nice.
They do.
In the design. Yeah. Very sleek.
Modern. Exactly.
But they can also act as stress concentrators.
Right. So we want to avoid those sharp.
Corners in most cases. Yes.
Okay. Rounding those corners, even just a little bit.
Even a little bit.
Can make a big difference.
In terms of reducing stress, improving strength.
But I'm sure there are times when you need a sharp corner.
Of course, A design, there are always exceptions.
But in those cases, you have to be extra careful.
About those other factors, like wall thickness. Wall thickness, material selection, things like that.
To make sure it's not going to crack.
Like a constant balancing act.
It is.
Yeah. Form and function.
Form and function.
You want it to look good.
Okay. So we've talked about some design considerations. Now, what about the actual molding process itself?
Okay. So during the molding process, one common mistake.
Is rushing the cooling.
Oh, yeah.
I know. It's tempting.
Yeah. Get those parts out.
Get them out the door. Speed things up. But if you cool too quickly, you can create internal stresses.
Right. Because the outside is cooling faster.
Than the inside.
And those stresses are like ticking time bombs.
The part might look fine when it comes out of the mold, but over time, those dresses can cause cracks, even.
If nothing's happening to it, even if.
It'S just sitting on a Shelf.
Wow. So patience is key.
Patience is key when it comes to cooling. Yes. Give it time to cool properly.
And I imagine the cooling channels in the mold are also important here.
Super important.
The placement, the size, the layout, all of that affects how evenly the part cools.
It's amazing how all these things are connected.
I know. It's fascinating. It really is a system, and that's.
What makes these deep dives so interesting. We're not just learning, like, a list of rules. We're understanding the why exactly behind those.
Rules, and that empowers you to make better decisions.
Okay, so any other common mistakes that we should be aware of?
They mentioned a few others.
Not venting the mold properly so those trapped gases can escape.
Setting the injection pressure or speed too high.
And not maintaining the ejection system.
All of these can cause problems.
Yeah. So it sounds like there are a lot of ways to mess things up.
But if we understand what's going on, we can prevent those problems.
You got it.
Injection molding is complex. It's a complex process, but it's also fascinating.
It is fascinating. Hallu. Warning. Yes. Very rewarding.
So for all of you out there who are dealing with cracked parts. Yeah. I hope this deep dive has given you some new insights, some new tools. Yeah. Some tools to help you troubleshoot.
And prevent those cracks crack free products. Yeah. And create products that are beautiful, functional, and strong.
And strong.
All right, well, thanks for joining us on this deep dive.
Yeah. This was fun.
I always learn so much.
Me too.
We'll catch you next time for another fascinating exploration of the world of

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