Podcast – How Are Injection Molded Plastic Parts Made?

Injection molding machine with molten plastic being injected into a mold.
How Are Injection Molded Plastic Parts Made?
Nov 07 - MoldAll - Explore expert tutorials, case studies, and guides on mold design and injection molding. Learn hands-on skills to enhance your craft at MoldAll.

Hey, everyone. Ready for another deep dive?
Always ready to get into it.
Awesome. So today we're going to be talking about something you interact with every single.
Day, multiple times a day, even.
You got it. We're going deep on injection molding.
Ooh, that's a good one. Lost on pack there.
It really is. I mean, think about it. That phone in your hand, your computer mouse, probably even some parts of the chair you're sitting on.
Pretty much any plastic product you can think of. There's a good chance it was made using injection molding.
Exactly. And we've got a really cool explainer article here to help us break down the whole process.
Should be a fun one.
I think so too. So let's start with the basics. What exactly is injection molding?
Okay, so imagine you've got a cake mold. Right?
Okay. Got it.
You pour the batter in, it bakes, and boom, you've got a perfectly shaped cake.
Makes sense.
Injection molding is kind of similar, except instead of batter, we're talking about molten plastic.
Molten plastic. Okay.
Yeah. So basically, you heat up plastic pellets until they melt, and then you inject that molten plastic into a mold under high pressure.
Ah, I see. So it takes the shape of the mold.
Exactly. The plastic cools and hardens inside the mold, and when you pop it open, you've got a solid part in the exact shape you need.
Wow. So that's how we get millions of identical LEGO bricks and water bottle caps, even complex shapes like car dashboards, all.
Thanks to injection molding. It's a super efficient way to make lots of identical parts, which is why it's so widely used in mass production.
That makes a lot of sense.
Okay, so the article we've got here breaks down the whole injection molding process into stages.
Yeah. It's not just melting and injecting. There's a lot more to it than that.
Right. It's got to be more than just melt and squirt, right?
Aha. Pretty much.
So let's walk through those stages. What's the very first step?
Okay, so first step is mold closing. This is where the two halves of the mold come together to form that sealed cavity where the magic happens.
So kind of like setting the stage for the main event.
Exactly. And that seal is super important. It prevents any leaks during the injection process.
Makes sense. You don't want molten plastic squirting out everywhere.
Definitely not.
Okay, so we've got our mold all clamped together, ready to go. How does that plastic actually get into the mold?
Right, so that's where things get really interesting. You've got these plastic pellets, usually in granular form. They get fed into a heated barrel, kind of like a giant oven.
Okay, so it's getting hot in there?
Oh, yeah. Hot enough to melt the plastic into a liquid. And then using either hydraulics or mechanical power, that molten plastic gets injected through a nozzle and into the mold cavity.
Wow. It's like a high stakes, super fast version of filling a cupcake tin.
I like that analogy.
So what happens once the mold is full of this hot liquid plastic? Do you just, like, wait for it to cool down?
Not quite. There's this crucial step called holding pressure.
Holding pressure?
Yeah. As the mold and plastic starts to cool, it naturally wants to shrink a bit.
So holding pressure keeps it in shape.
Exactly. Maintaining that pressure after the initial injection ensures that the part keeps its intended shape and prevents any defects from forming.
Like sink marks or gaps or something.
Exactly. Those would compromise the structural integrity of the final product. We don't want that.
Got it. So hold that pose, little plastic part. What's next?
Next comes the cooling stage. Coolant flows through channels built into the mold, helping the plastic solidify quickly and evenly.
Ah, so it's like a perfectly timed ice bath for the plastic. And then we finally get to see the finished product.
You got it. Mold opening. The clamping system reverses. The two halves of the mold separate. And there you have it, A freshly molded part.
It's like a little plastic berth. So that's it, right? Pot goes, the plastic. All done.
Well, not quite. There's usually a bit more to it. The part needs to be ejected from the mold. And depending on the design, there might be some additional steps involved, like trimming any excess material or inspecting the part to make sure it meets quality standards.
Right, because every part has to be perfect, especially if you're making thousands or millions of them.
Exactly. Quality control is super important in injection molding.
So before we move on, I'm curious. Why is injection molding so dominant in mass production? What makes it the go to method for making so many things?
Well, for starters, it's incredibly efficient and productive. Think about something like car dashboard production. You can churn out massive volumes of complex parts continuously with minimal human intervention.
Okay, so we're talking speed, automation, less labor cost, big wins in manufacturing. What else makes it so great?
Another huge advantage is consistency. Injection molding produces parts that are practically identical. And that uniformity is critical in industries like medicine, where even minor variations in something like a syringe could be a Big problem.
Right. So it's not just about making lots of things. It's about making lots of things that are exactly the same.
Exactly. And on top of that, you have incredible material versatility. You're not limited to just one type of plastic. There's a whole range of options, each with its own unique properties.
Hmm, interesting. So it's not a one size fits all kind of plastic situation.
Yeah, not at all. We're talking about things like thermoplastics, which can be melted and remolded multiple times, and thermosetting plastics, which become permanently set after heating.
Whoa, hold on. Thermoplastics? Thermo what? Can we break that down a bit?
Of course. It's easy to get lost in all the technical terms. Think about it like this. Thermoplastics are kind of like candle wax.
Candle wax.
Okay. You can melt them, reshake them, and they'll harden again without changing their basic properties. They're adaptable and reusable.
Okay, so thermoplastics are like the chameleons of the plastic world.
Got it.
What about those other ones, the thermosetting plastics?
Right. So thermosetting plastics are a bit different. Think of them like baking a cake. Once they're heated and molded, they undergo a chemical change and become permanently set.
Ah, I see. So you can't melt them and reshape them like a thermoplastic.
Nope. Once they're set, they're set for good. These are often used in applications where heat resistance is crucial.
Okay, I'm starting to get the picture. It's like choosing the right tool for the job. If you're making a reusable water bottle, a thermoplastic might be the way to go. But for something that needs to withstand high temperatures, like a car part, you might opt for a thermostating plastic.
Exactly. And that's just scratching the surface. When it comes to material selection, there's a whole world of plastic polymers out there, each with its own strengths and weakness.
So choosing the right plastic is a big deal in the design process.
Absolutely. It can make or break the final product.
This is starting to feel like a adventure for product designers. So many options, so many possibilities.
It's a pretty amazing field. There's always something new to learn and discover.
Well, we've covered a lot of ground in this first part of our deep dive. We went from molten plastic to perfectly formed parts, talked about different types of plastic, and even touched on the importance of material selection.
It's been a fun ride so far.
It really has, but we're just getting started.
There's a lot more to explore.
All right, welcome back to the deep dive. Last time, we got that crash course in injection molding, all the way from, like, molten plastic to those finished parts.
It's a pretty amazing process when you think about it.
It really is. But now I kind of want to nerd out a little on the materials themselves.
All right, let's talk plastic.
Yeah, let's get into the nitty gritty of these different plastics. Where do we even start? There's like a whole universe of them out there.
Well, we talked about those two main families, right? The thermoplastics and the thermosetting plastics.
Right, right. Those are the big categories.
Yeah. It's a good starting point. And within those families, there's a huge variety of specific materials, each with its own, like, personality and purpose.
Okay, so it's like a family reunion, but for plastics. So let's start with some familiar faces. Like, what are some of the plastics we probably use every single day without even thinking about it?
Okay, well, one of the most common ones is polyethylene, or PE for short.
Pe. Okay, that sounds familiar.
I bet you encounter it every single day. Think about those, like, flimsy plastic grocery bags. Okay.
Milk jugs, Even some of the packaging that, you know, protects your online orders.
Wow. So PE is everywhere. What makes it so popular?
Well, it's flexible, it's durable, it's resistant to chemicals, which is why it's often used for, like, containers that hold liquids and stuff.
Right, that makes sense. So it's a pretty versatile material.
It really is. And here's something interesting. PE actually comes in different densities.
Wait, different density? So it's not all the same?
Not exactly like that thin plastic bag you get at the grocery store that's made from low density polyethylene, but that sturdy milk jug, that's high density polyethylene.
Ah, so the density changes how strong and rigid it is.
Exactly. It's all about choosing the right type of PE for the job.
Okay, I'm starting to see how much thought goes into selecting the right plastic for a product. It's not just like plastic is plastic, is it?
Definitely not. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses. Okay, here's another workhorse plastic you'll find everywhere. Polypropylene or pp.
Pp. Hmm. Okay, Polypropylene. What's that one known for? PP is known for being strong, impact resistant, and it can handle heat pretty well.
Hmm, heat resistant, you say? I Think I've seen that printed on the bottom of some food containers. Is that the same stuff?
You got it. A lot of those microwave safe containers are made from PP because it can withstand higher temperatures.
Wow. Makes sense.
And because it's so strong and durable, PP is also commonly used for things like car parts, outdoor furniture, even some types of clothing.
Wow. So from leftovers to car bumpers, PP really does it all.
Pretty much. It's like the multi tool of the plastic world. All right, ready for another one? How about polystyrene or PS Polystyrene. PS okay, tell me about it. Well, it's a lightweight and rigid plastic that's often used for disposable cups, those packing peanuts that seem to multiply in boxes, and even insulation.
P.S. the King of disposables.
Exactly. It's everywhere. But yeah, maybe not always for the best, considering the whole environmental impact thing.
Yeah, that's a whole other conversation we should probably have. But for now, let's stick with the materials themselves. So we've talked about some of the more common plastics. What about the, like the heavy hitters?
The high performance plastics?
Yeah, like the ones they use in spaceships or something.
Well, maybe not spaceships, but definitely from impressive applications.
Okay, I'm intrigued. Lay it on me.
Okay, one that comes to mind is polycarbonate or PC.
PC, now that you mention it, I think I've seen that stamped on some eyeglasses.
Is that right? You got it. Eyeglasses, safety helmets, even some bulletproof glass is made with polycarbonate. It's super strong, clear, and incredibly impact resistant.
Wow. From protecting our eyes to stopping bullets. PC sounds like the superhero of plastics.
It definitely deserves a cape. And another high performer worth mentioning is abs, A krylonitrile butadien styrene. It's known for being really tough, impact resistant, and it can be molded into super intricate shapes.
Hmm. Abs. Wait a minute. Isn't that what LEGO bricks are made of?
You know it. LEGO bricks are a perfect example of ABS in action. Durable, holds intricate details, comes in every color of the rainbow.
That's awesome. So we've got the thermoplastic. Those are the ones we can remelt and reshape, Right?
Exactly like that candle wax analogy.
Got it. But then we also have those thermostting plastics. What are some of those like in the real world?
Okay, so thermosetting plastics. Remember those undergo a chemical change when they're heated and become permanently set super rigid. So they're used in things where heat resistance and durability are key.
Okay, so if thermoclastics are like play doh. You're saying thermosetting plastics are like a clay sculpture that's been fired in a kiln. Once it's set, it's permanent.
Exactly. One common one used in injection molding is phenolic resin.
Spallic resin.
Oh, yeah. It's known for being super heat resistant, electrically insulating, and overall, just really tough.
Sounds pretty industrial strength. So what kind of things is phenolic resin used in?
You'll find it in all sorts of things. Electrical components, molded parts for appliances, even some adhesives.
So basically anything that needs to withstand high temperatures and hold its shape over.
Time, you got it. It's like the plastic equivalent of a brick wall. Solid and reliable. Another important one is epoxy resin.
Epoxy resin. Hmm, that sounds familiar. Isn't that what they use in some high performance glues?
Exactly. Those super strong adhesives that can bond almost anything together, chances are they've got epoxy resin in them.
Wow. So it's more than just glue.
Oh, yeah. Epoxies are also used in coatings, composites, and even electronics.
So from holding things together to protecting surfaces, epoxy resins really are the versatile heroes of the thermosetting world.
I like that. Versatile heroes.
So we've got this incredible range of plastics, each with its own, like, superpower. But I'm curious, how do designers actually choose which plastic to use for a specific product?
That's the million dollar question, right?
Yeah. Is there like a secret formula or something?
No secret formula, but there are definitely some key factors designers consider. They think about the mechanical properties, you know, like strength, stiffness, impact, resistance.
Okay, so how tough it is, basically.
Right. Then there are thermal properties, how well the plastic handles heat, what its melting point is.
So can it go in the microwave or the dishwasher? That kind of thing.
Exactly. And of course, chemical resistance is important too, especially for products that might come into contact with, you know, certain substances.
Right. Like cleaning products or solvents or whatever. So it's kind of like a balancing act, weighing all these different factors. And I'm guessing cost plays a role too, right?
Oh, absolutely. Some plastics are way more expensive than others. So designers need to find that sweet spot between performance, functionality and affordability.
Right. You gotta balance the budget too.
Exactly. It's always a trade off.
So we've talked about all these different amazing plastics, but I think we need to address the, like, the elephant in the room, the environmental impact.
Yeah, for sure.
It's a huge concern with all this plastic being produced. What are your thoughts on that?
Well, you're absolutely right. The environmental impact of plastics is a big issue. We can't ignore that. But the good news is that the injection molding industry is taking it seriously. There are some positive changes happening.
Okay, that's good to hear. So how are they making it more sustainable?
Well, one major focus is on using recycled plastics. More and more manufacturers are incorporating recycled materials into their products, which reduces the need for virgin plastic and helps keep plastic waste out of landfills.
Okay, so it's like giving plastic a second life instead of just throwing it away. Are there other innovations happening in this, like, sustainable plastics world?
Definitely. There's tons of research going on right now into biodegradable plastics. Stuff that can actually break down naturally over time.
Whoa, biodegradable plastics. That sounds like a game changer.
It could be. It's still early days, but biodegradable plastics are becoming increasingly viable, especially for, you know, single use items like packaging.
So there's hope for a more sustainable future for plastics?
Oh, yeah, for sure. The industry's constantly innovating, finding new ways to reduce its impact and create a more circular economy for plastics.
That's really encouraging to hear. So we've gone from everyday plastics to those high performance materials and even touched on the environmental side of things.
Lots to cover.
It's amazing how much goes into just choosing the right plastic, let alone designing and making the actual product.
Right. There's a whole science behind it.
So I'm really excited to dive into the design aspect next. Like, how do designers actually work with injection molding to create those innovative products we see every day?
All right, let's get into it. The design process is where things get really interesting.
Welcome back to the Deep dive. We've made it to the final part of our journey into the world of injection molding.
And what a journey it's been.
I know, right? From molten plastic to the crazy variety of materials. And now we're going to see how designers use this process to create some of the most innovative products out there.
This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.
Yeah. So let's get into the designer's mindset. What are some of the things they need to keep in mind when working with injection molding?
Well, one of the key things to consider is something called draft angles.
Draft angles. Okay. Break that down for me.
Imagine trying to get a cake out of a Bundt pan. You know, those pans with all the curves?
Yeah. I love Bundt cakes.
Right. So if the sides of that pan are perfectly straight up and down, the cake's going to stick. It's not going to come out cleanly.
Yeah, I can see that.
But if the pan has a slight taper, a little slope to the sides, then the cake just slides right out.
Okay, makes sense.
Those tapers, those slopes are called draft angles. And they're super important in injection molding to make sure the part releases cleanly from the mold.
So it's all about making sure the plastic doesn't get stuck or ripped out of shape.
Exactly. You want that part to pop out perfectly every single time.
Okay, so draft angles. Got it. What else is on a designer's checklist?
Wall thickness is another big one. You want to have consistent wall thickness throughout the entire part.
Why is that so important?
Well, it's all about making sure the plastic cools evenly. If some parts of the mold are thicker than others, they'll cool at different rates, which can cause all sorts of problems.
Like what kinds of problems?
Warping, sink marks, you name it. You can end up with a part that's, like, twisted or dented or just doesn't look right.
Okay, I'm starting to see how much precision is involved in this whole process.
Precision is key.
So we've got draft angles, wall thickness. Anything else?
Oh, yeah, there's more. Designers also need to think about the placement of ribs and bosses.
Ribs and bosses. Okay, now we're getting into some technical jargon.
Haha. I know, right? But don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds. Think of ribs embosses as reinforcing elements, like the beams in a building.
Okay. So they add strength to the part.
Exactly. They help to make the part more rigid and less likely to bend or break.
So it's not just about making the part look cool, it's about making it functional too.
Absolutely. Form and D function. And designers have to think about how those ribs embosses are going to affect the flow of the molten plastic as it fills the mold.
Right. Because if the plastic can't flow properly, you're going to end up with a part that's not filled in all the way or has weak spots.
Exactly. It's like a puzzle figuring out how to get that molten plastic to reach every nook and cranny of the mold and create a solid, well formed part.
I'm starting to see how designers really have to think like engineers in this process. It's a blend of creativity and, like, hardcore technical skills.
Totally. And that's Just scratching the surface. There's so much more to consider, like the location of the gates. Those are the entry points for the molten plastic. And the design of vents to allow air to escape as the mold fills.
It's blowing my mind. How much goes into creating something as simple as, like a plastic toothbrush or a phone case.
Right. We take these things for granted, but there's a whole world of thought and design behind them.
So now I'm wondering, where does all this go from here? Like, what's the future of injection molding? What's next?
Ooh, good question. Well, we've talked about the advancements in recycled and biodegradable plastics.
Right. Those are game changers.
They really are. And I think we're only going to to see more innovation in those areas. Sustainability is a huge driving force these days.
Totally. It's not just about making things. It's about making them in a way that's responsible and doesn't wreck the planet.
Exactly. And along with environmental sustainability, I think we'll see a big emphasis on, like, economic sustainability, too, Making the process even more efficient and cost effective.
So more automation, faster production times, that kind of thing.
Exactly. We might even see things like 3D printed molds becoming more commonplace. That could really open up some amazing possibilities for customization and rapid prototyping.
Wow. So the future of injection molding is looking pretty bright.
Definitely bright. It's a constantly evolving field, and I can't wait to see what comes next.
Well, I think it's safe to say we've thoroughly explored the world of injection molding in this deep dive. We've covered it all, from the basics to the future. And I have to say, I've learned a ton.
Me too. It's always fun to geek out on this stuff.
It really is. So to all our listeners out there, next time you pick up a plastic product, take a moment to appreciate the incredible journey it took to get into your hands.
From tiny pellets to a finished product. It's an amazing process.
And who knows, maybe one of you listening will be inspired to join this world of innovation. Maybe you'll be the one to design the next big thing in injection molding.
The future is full of possibilities.
On that note, we're wrapping up our deep dive. Thanks for joining us, and until next time, stay

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